Register your school with NUCA College MMA!
We’re Recruiting!
NUCA MMA is always eager to bring Mixed Martial Arts to more and more campuses across the US and hence, we have begun our school recruitment process to provide a golden opportunity for budding MMA athletes to pursue their sport and education simultaneously.
What Are The Advantages of College MMA?
MMA has been the fastest growing sport in the US for several years and now is your opportunity to bring a whole new dynamic of student-athletes and fans to your campus.
At the professional level, too, MMA has experienced exponential growth, punctuated by the sale of The UFC for over $4 billion in 2017.
We want College MMA athletes to experience the structure of competition and responsibilities and challenges that come with being a student-athlete.
NUCA MMA believes there is strong demand both athletically and commercially for the sport of MMA to thrive on college campuses across the Country. We believe our student-athletes will thrive in the classroom, playground, and gymnasium as well, since College MMA is proven to aid in both fitness and personality development, especially in young, growing minds and bodies.