NUCA MMA secures its headquarters in Lake Mary, Florida

Orlando, FL | The National University and College Association of MMA finalized its move to their headquarters in Lake Mary, Florida this week. Following the establishment of its core team and initial investment, NUCA MMA settled in to its new HQ in Lake Mary, Florida as the company looks to begin its venture as the governing body of collegiate MMA.

The occasion was marked by the visit of NUCA MMA Vice President and Director of Development coach Owen Roddy from his usual role of MMA guru at SBG Gym in Dublin, Ireland. During this time coach Roddy discussed the next level of development within NUCA MMA and visited the University of Central Florida to take in the college landscape.

The new HQ for NUCA MMA is just the first in a series of significant steps the company is taking on its way to become the first official governing body of MMA in college sports.

The office will house sales, administration, marketing and upper management staff, as well as being a great source of experience and opportunity for incoming internship students in the Central Florida region.

We look forward to seeing the great work that will come from this facility, but for now it`s a great step in the goal to creating the first professionally and organized collegiate MMA organization.

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